Obama, Mugabe and Zuma.

One day Mugabe, Obama and Zuma decided to take a trip to Egypt together too have the talk of talks on the way up to egypt from South Africa in there Jeep....

While crossing the Sahara desert an unforseen event acured the Jeep broke down and neither of them knew what the problem was...

Mugabe has been in the Sahara desert before and knew there was a village nearby....

upon leaving Obama suggested that we take a piece of the Jeep just incase they come back and the whole jeep is salvaged and atleast have a suvenear of there Jeep...

Mugabe desided too take the seat, Obama took the radiator and Zuma took the door..

While walking Obama asked Mugabe why he took the seat. Mugabe said. "So i can sit on it when i get tired of walking." So Mugabe asked Obama why he took the radiator Obama replied. "so when i need a drink i have the water from the radiator to drink." After a while Obama looked at Zuma and asked "Zuma why did you take the door?" Zuma replied, "Eish, when i get hot im gona role down my window to cool off."